Professional Writing and Communication with Employers


3–7 February 2025 (final portfolio submitted on February 16)


Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, Gorkého 7, 602 00 Brno (room G 25)


3 ECTS credits

In today's rapidly evolving job market, where competition is fierce and traditional career paths are being transformed, it is crucial for individuals to understand how to effectively represent themselves to stand out among their peers. This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to build a strong professional brand that aligns with their career goals and resonates with employers in the ever-changing job market.

Professional Writing and Communication with Employers acknowledges the dynamic nature of the job market impacted by advances in technology and prepares students to navigate the challenges it presents. By understanding the changing landscape, students will gain insights into the skills, qualities, and attributes employers value in the current job market.

Because effective communication is a cornerstone of professional success, the course places emphasis on developing strong communication skills, both written and verbal, to effectively convey ideas, present oneself confidently in interviews, and build relationships with employers. Students will learn how to tailor their communication style to different audiences and contexts, enhancing their ability to articulate their unique value proposition. Students will learn how to assess their strengths, values, and career aspirations, and how to effectively convey these through various channels, including CVs, cover letters, and Linkedin.

In addition, this course provides students with strategies for effective networking and relationship building. Students will learn how to identify and engage with industry professionals, leverage informational interviews, and confidently participate in networking events to expand their professional connections.

Throughout the course, students will engage in hands-on activities, which will allow students to apply the concepts and strategies learned in real-world scenarios, preparing them for success in the job market.

Bez popisku

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Better understand and appropriately express their skills, strengths, values, and experiences in a professionally relevant way.
  2. Approach a job or internship search in an organized and proactive manner which takes into consideration their career goals and the expectations of their intended field of interest.
  3. Apply the principles and processes of professional communication, both written and spoken, and in-person or virtually.
  4. Critically evaluate others’ professional communication.
  5. Produce appropriately suitable CVs, cover letters, elevator pitches, as well as undertake a professional job interview with better preparation and less stress.

5 days

3–7 February 2025

3 sessions each day

between 9am and 3pm

The 5-day course aims to be practical and seeks to facilitate the acquiring and development of professional communication skills among participants. The entire course respects the principles of active learning with a stress on critical reading and thinking, group work, peer-learning, and process writing. Participants’ contribution to class work is essential for their successful learning.

Each of the five course days consists of three 90-minute sessions (two before lunch and one after), for a total of 22,5 contact hours. Also included are short afternoon writing assignments to be completed either individually or in groups.

The Comenius University Teams Classroom is used for online course management, with assignments and resources posted by the course instructors, completed assignments uploaded by participants, and feedback provided in Teams Classroom.

The course is open for 20 participants, 10 from Comenius University and 10 from Masaryk University. Participants from Comenius University will receive an individual grant and travel grant and are expected to arrange their own accommodation and meals in Brno during the course.











(1) 9-9:45

(2) 10-10:45

(3) 11-12:30

till 13:30



(1) 9-10:30

(2) 10:50-12:20


till 13:30

(3) 13:30-15:00


(1) 9-9:45

(2) 10-11:30

(3) 11:45-13:00




(1) 9-10:30

(2) 10:50-12:20


till 13:30

(3) 13:30-15:00


(1) 9-10:30

(2) 10:50-12:20


till 13:30

(3) 13:30-15:00

Jan Beneš

Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava (Czech Republic)

Jan Beneš is an assistant professor at the University of Ostrava (CZ), where he teaches survey courses in American and British literature and an academic writing course for doctoral students. He received his M.A. from Texas A&M University and his Ph.D. from Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic.

Lucia Grauzľová

Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia)

Lucia Grauzľová is an assistant professor at the Department of British and American Studies at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University in Bratislava (SK), where she teaches survey courses in British and Canadian literature and academic writing skills.

Jamie Hoversen

Central European University (Austria)

Jamie Hoversen is a career advisor at Central European University (AT) and has 15 years of experience supporting students in their academic and career development, with particular focus on supporting self-reflection, developing job search strategies, preparing compelling application materials, and interview preparation.

Ross Huffen

Nottingham Trent University (UK)

Ross Huffen is a careers consultant at Nottingham Trent University (UK) where he supports students to source and secure internship and graduate roles by developing effective, tailored application materials, including CVs and cover letters; he also coaches them in appropriate professional articulation, behaviour and interview technique. With 17 years' experience, he has developed an understanding of recruiters’ needs and attitudes.

Linda M. Steyne

Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia)

Lyn Steyne is a lecturer at the Department of British and American Studies at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University in Bratislava (SK), where she teaches English language teaching methodology, English-language academic writing skills, and English as a foreign language.

All MU students including PhD candidates (with B2 English) are eligible to apply for the course.

Deadline for applications

15 January 2025

Notification of acceptance

24 January 2025

Applications must be in English.

A two- to three-minute video of the applicant answering the following questions:

  • Where do you see yourself professionally in 5 years’ time?
  • How do you think this course will help you to achieve that?

Applications must be made through this form:

Application form

Admitted students can subsequently register this course in IS MUNI.

Applications will be evaluated on the following:

  • The applicant’s level of interest in and motivation for taking the course
  • B2 minimum English language proficiency (as presented in the applicant’s video)




Day due


Active participation


Every day

Pre-course questionnaire

Complete and submit online questionnaire



Find 2 potential jobs/internships of interest; research both organizations.

List of 2 jobs/internships, links to job descriptions, notes on both organizations.



Look more closely at the 2 jobs/internships you chose in the pre-course assignment. Analyse the job description closely; list the most important aspects of the job and the values of the organisation (complete the accompanying worksheet)

Completed worksheet, thoughtful self-reflection and analysis.



Create a CV (tailored to one of the jobs/internships from the previous assignment)

Clean, clear, tailored to your chosen job/internship



Write a cover letter (tailored to the job/internship from the previous assignment)

Organizationally clear and convincing content



Record an unscripted elevator pitch of 60 seconds or less (unscripted doesn’t mean you don’t prepare!)

Fits the time limit; unscripted; convincing and clear



Complete your portfolio with revised and improved versions of the previous assignments, taking into consideration the feedback you received (CV, cover letter, and elevator pitch)

All the above, edited and ready to submit for a job. Quality (i.e., Would it get the job?)


The following Sunday– 16 February

This course is supported by a generous grant from the European Union’s Erasmus+ program BELONG: Better Education through Long-term Investment into Inclusiveness and Student and Staff Wellbeing, project number 2021-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000023528.


Do you have any questions? Ask Jitka.

Mgr. Jitka Vidláková, Ph.D.

BELONG project coordinator

telefon: 549 49 7223

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