How to work with learners' attention in teaching

  • 18 March 2024
    9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • CERPEK training room (room no. 328), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.
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Pedagogical competencies

MU lecturers, students of doctoral study programmes


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Every teacher's dream is to have the full attention of all learners in their teaching. But it can be challenging to get and keep it. So, let's look at attention through a broader lens and work together to find and show ways to work with it. In this workshop, we will unpack what affects our learners' attention and use practical examples to try out how to get it in our hands and lead it exactly where we need it to go. We'll complement all this with wisdom from books and research and sharing of good practice.


Lecturer and part university lecturer who began her professional and teaching experience in the voluntary sector and then in university. Her research has focused on intergenerational learning, workplace learning and workplace skills. Her approach to her work has been influenced by her experience of educating different age groups and the ideas of age management. She is a certified trainer of the scientifically proven Finnish training programme Professional Seniority®. When she is not creating methodologies, evaluations or mapping wellbeing and inclusion at our university, she can be found caring for her loved ones or on the yoga mat.

Mgr. Michal Diviš, Ph.D.



Psychologist, psychotherapist and PCA supervisor, who studied psychology at the FF MU in Brno. Most of his professional life has been devoted to working with families in crisis and people who are trying to understand themselves better and work on their development. Nowadays he is starting a private practice, he works a bit in an elementary school, in an orphanage, supervises a bit in various social service institutions and lectures a bit. During his studies at university he was already intensively interested in how to teach people something in the most effective way using experience, mainly under the Instructors Brno and then in ACOR (Academic Centre for Personal Development). He is mainly interested in topics related to group work, reflection and psychological safety.


CERPEK training room (room no. 328), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.

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