People & Contacts

Mgr. Petr Pokorný

Director of CERPEK

Phone: +420 549 49 6850

He graduated with a degree in Pedagogy from the Faculty of Arts, MU. He worked for several years in education, after-school education, as a sports coach, organizer of competitions for children and youth, organizer of camps. After the Velvet Revolution, he went into business, where he worked for many years as a member of the management of international companies, mostly responsible for personnel management and services. Ten years ago he returned to MU as an external lecturer and seven years ago as an employee. After six years in the role of Director of Human Resources in the Rector's Office, he has now taken on a new mission, to build the Competence Development Centre, to develop CERPEK.

prof. MUDr. Marie Nováková, Ph.D.

Head of Pedagogical Competence Development Unit

Phone: +420 549 49 5931

She graduated in General Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the Masaryk University. Her entire professional career has been devoted to medical physiology, both at the Institute of Physiology of the Faculty of Medicine of the Masaryk University and during her stays abroad. She is a respected member of the scientific and pedagogical community (she is the principal investigator and co-investigator of a number of GACR projects, she founded and leads the Laboratory of Experimental Cardiology, she is the vice-president of the Czech Physiological Society of the Czech Academy of Physiology, she is a recipient of the Laufberger Medal). She has many years of experience in teaching both undergraduate medical students and postgraduate students at the Faculty of Medicine and the University of Technology. She has management experience both from her position as Deputy Head of the Institute of Physiology at LF MU and from her repeated service in the AS LF MU, and especially in the AS MU, where she chaired the Academic Staff Committee in 2008-2012. She has been a member of the CERPEK Council since its establishment.

Mgr. Iva Lízalová

Head of the Personal Competence Development Unit

Phone: +420 771 276 567

She studied social pedagogy at the University of Technology Zlín and IMS Brno. She acquired her management and lecturing skills during her long years of work in the pharmaceutical business. As a lecturer, she specializes in communication and sales skills, personality typology, assertive communication, managing objections and conflict situations. She has completed a course in experiential pedagogy and is a professional coach. She is now applying her extensive experience in managing training departments, leading people, and implementing strategic training projects at CERPEK focused on development of MU employees. When implementing training activities, she not only ensures that training needs and objectives are met, but also takes pride in her individual approach and contact with employees. She is also the leader of the L&D Coordinators Working Group.

Mgr. Zuzana Kročáková

Lecturer and coordinator of workshops and events focused on pedagogical competences

Phone: +420 549 49 5104

She graduated in Czech language and Psychology at the Faculty of Education, MU. She has taught at high schools in the Czech Republic and at one American school. She teaches social psychology at Faculty of Education and worked as a guide in the Teacher Live programme for two years. She is a lifelong devotee of experiential pedagogy and its use in the field of personal development as well as in education, she is an instructor at the Lipnice Holiday School. In recent years she has focused on educational mentoring, supporting teachers in pre-schools, primary schools, and colleges to become more confident and happier in their teaching. At CERPEK she is involved in tutoring, mentoring and takes care of the organization and filling of workshops, reflective meetings, and other events of the university teaching community.

Mgr. Ingrid Procházková, Ph.D.

Manager and lecturer for the development of pedagogical competences

Phone: +420 549 49 6156

She graduated with a degree in Education from the Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Arts, MU. She was a member of CERPEK's founding team. At CERPEK, she is currently in charge of the pedagogical competences section. She works to fulfil the vision of CERPEK and cooperates with a number of partners at MU and other Czech universities. She is in charge of the educational programme Pedagogical Competence Development Workshop, in which she and others accompany university teachers on their journey towards quality teaching.

Mgr. Jitka Vidláková, Ph.D.

Development and education specialist

Phone: +420 549 49 7223

Originally an academic in the field of educational sciences. She later gained qualifications in lecturing and management of further education and became an L&D enthusiast. She has led or been involved in staff development and training projects. She started her cooperation with CERPEK in the role of a lecturer and later as an organizer of training activities. She is now in charge of the communication area, managing the content of the website and promoting CERPEK. She is also the leader and team member of the project focused on wellbeing and inclusiveness of employees and students at MU.

Mgr. et Mgr. Zuzana Vařejková, Ph.D.

Methodist and lecturer of pedagogical competence development

Phone: +420 549 49 6611

She graduated with degrees in Andragogy and Social Pedagogy and Counselling from the Department of Educational Sciences at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University. She followed the establishment of CERPEK from afar as a member of research teams and a researcher of educational and development projects focusing on adult education and age management. In CERPEK she is engaged in analytical activities and ensures methodological accuracy of pedagogical and andragogical topics. She is a lecturer and member of the research team of the BELONG project looking at wellbeing and inclusion in higher education.

Mgr. Petr Sucháček

Development and education specialist

Petr graduated in Pedagogy at the Institute of Educational Sciences of the Faculty of Education of the Masaryk University and teaches, among other subjects, communication training, pedagogical communication and work with group dynamics. At CERPEK you can meet him at pedagogical competence workshops, reflective meetings, or he can be your mentor or facilitate a discussion on the quality of teaching at your workplace. In addition, he has led the Otevřená výzva programme, which promotes innovation in the education of future teachers, and is dedicated to the practice and dissemination of non-violent communication, for example through the Nonviolent Podcast.

Mgr. Marek Boček

Training and development coordinator


He graduated from the Faculty of Law, followed by a degree in history and social sciences teaching at the Faculty of Philosophy, and a two-year experiential-reflective learning program there. At the Faculty of Science, he participates in preparing future teachers. Apart from the MU he methodically contributes to the development of educational products at the Memory of the Nation. Within CERPEK, he is responsible for leading reflective meetings and educational workshops. Last but not least, he is dedicated to presenting CERPEK activities on social media and is raising awareness of our offerings towards single faculties.

Mgr. Jan Štěpánek

IT & E-Learning Consutant

Phone: +420 549 49 3152, +420 771 291 808
social and academic networks:

Honza works as an administrator of e-learning applications in the E‑Learning Office within the Centre for IT at the Faculty of Arts, MU. This role led him to CERPEK. Initially, Honza was tasked with creating and managing e‑learning support for CERPEK's pedagogical development programs. Later, he took on the responsibilities of managing the CERPEK website and editing video recordings of the lessons.

Where you can find us

Rooms nr. 327, 328 a 329
Komenského náměstí 2
602 00 Brno

Telefon: +420 549 49 8110

You can find us by entering the former Faculty of Medicine and walking across the courtyard to the back of the building. From there you can take the lift or you can go up the stairs to the third floor and turn to the left. CERPEK is behind the glass door in the first corridor on the right.

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