How to attract and win over your audience

  • 1 October 2024
    9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • CERPEK training room (room no. 328), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.
  • The event has already taken place


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Personal competencies

academic and non-academic employees of faculties, RMU and other university units


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When Steve Jobs spoke, everyone listened in amazement. Why? Because he spoke in stories. Stories fundamentally affect the way we think and behave. Stories can help you build better relationships within your team, with clients, customers or the media.

This interactive workshop will teach you how to clearly define the purpose of your communication and develop a clear concept and structure. You will practice how to capture and keep the attention of your audience. Make them listen to you from start to finish.


  • brains and stories – increasing the attention and motivation of listeners
  • confident and persuasive communication
  • overcoming objections and dissent
  • principles of data storytelling and content visualization


  • You will learn how to use short stories to capture and hold your audience's attention.
  • You will be able to define objectives and create a clear structure in communication.
  • You will learn to work better with intonation, silence and non-verbal communication.
  • You will learn the principles of visual storytelling.


Bc. Václav Strnadel


“The brain doesn't think in bullet points. We think in pictures and stories.” I am a soft-skills trainer and specialize in using Storytelling to explain complex concepts, inspire students, and effectively transfer knowledge. I help educators and professionals demonstrate how stories can engage audiences, facilitate understanding of abstract topics, and foster deeper engagement and motivation.

In the corporate and academic environment, I cooperate with leading companies and institutions such as Microsoft, SAP, University of Zurich, CTU, VŠE, Masaryk University, or UTB in Zlín.

“A good story stirs emotions. A great story moves people to action.


CERPEK training room (room no. 328), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.

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