
  • 6 December 2024
    9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Computer agency o.p.s., NOSRETI administrative building, Křenová 409/52, 2nd floor, 602 00 Brno
  • The event has already taken place


in person

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, RMU, HEIs and other units


language of the event

The workshop will help participants improve their PowerPoint skills, create professional presentations and use more advanced features that will simplify their work and add more dynamism and interactivity to their presentations.


  • advanced work with text and objects
  • advanced options for working with images and graphics
  • animations and image transitions
  • inserting and working with multimedia
  • creating interactive presentations
  • advanced image and template editing capabilities
  • tips and tricks for effective presenting


  • improve your ability to create visually appealing presentations
  • increase the attractiveness of presentations
  • gain skills in working with animations and transitions
  • develop skills for effective collaboration and sharing of presentations


Ing. Marek Rozehnal


Marek Rozehnal studied at the Faculty of Economics and Administration of Masaryk University. He has been training MS Office products for ten years, specializing in more complex operations in the Excel environment. Now, he works as a CEO in an international company and teaches to make his work more enjoyable.

Computer Agency o.p.s.

Practical information

Computers with MS PowerPoint will be available for workshop participants at the venue.


Computer agency o.p.s., NOSRETI administrative building, Křenová 409/52, 2nd floor, 602 00 Brno.


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