Time management: How to organise your working time

  • 10 December 2024
    9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • CERPEK training toom (room no. 332), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.
  • The event has already taken place


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Personal competencies

academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic units


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The time management workshop will give you more control over your activities and your working day. Individual tips will help you to better manage your workload and cope with stress. Effective prioritisation and time management tools will give you more peace of mind and space to focus on the most important activities. You will be able to put the ideas from the course to the test in practical exercises. This course is ideal for beginners and intermediate students who have not yet had the opportunity to systematically engage in time management. It is also suitable for more experienced participants who want to refresh the basic principles and gain new tips.


  • experience with time management
  • effective setting of goals and priorities
  • how to be more productive, the difference between productivity and activity
  • what to do at least once a week
  • how to reduce interruptions and distractions
  • the two-minute rule for tasks
  • practical methods to organise your time
  • tools and programs to help us save time


  • you get more control over your time
  • learn how to save time
  • learn how to plan and organise your tasks better, thanks to a series of tips you will learn



CERPEK training toom (room no. 332), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.

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