Official communication – advanced

  • 8 November 2023
    9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • CERPEK training room (room no. 328), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.
  • The event has already taken place

RMU employees only

The workshop is loosely related to the workshop of the same name for beginners (however, it is optional to attend it beforehand). It focuses on the more difficult phenomena of written official communication. It deepens knowledge of Czech spelling and grammar (beyond the scope of regular school lessons) and introduces participants to selected difficult areas of editing. It introduces lesser-known exceptions in many topics. Participants are free to ask any additional questions..


  • Stylistics: (un)clarity of some syntactic constructions, use of words of foreign origin, (un)desirable expressive redundancy in the text, more complex issues of Czech vocabulary.
  • Spelling and grammar: spelling of words of foreign origin, non-standard punctuation phenomena (combination of punctuation marks, collision of different punctuation rules in some constructions, non-standard punctuation in legal texts, etc.), non-standard use of initial capital letters, etc.
  • Editing of documents: technical tips for more effective document formatting, critical work with templates and patterns, and work with tables, figures, and graphs (all following CSN 01 6910).


  • You will get acquainted with more specialized and generally less known sources of information about the Czech language and editing (including those that contradict the rules of Czech spelling) and learn to use them effectively.
  • You will deepen your understanding of some spelling and grammatical exceptions and stylistic principles.
  • You will prepare yourself to deal with some of the more intractable dilemmas in editing.
  • You will gain confidence in argumentation, which is sometimes essential when defending your position in the workplace.
  • You will test your ability to detect and correct less apparent flaws in a text.


Mgr. Jan Táborský


Jan Táborský is an experienced proofreader, editor, and consultant in the field of the Czech language. He studied Czech language and literature at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University and later worked as an assistant. He also deepened his knowledge of Czech at the Institute for the Czech Language of the CAS. He has experience in government, non-profit, and commercial editorial positions. He runs a language agency specializing in proofreading, editorial work, and lectures in Czech language courses for Czechs. He is the author of the book Jazykové jednohubky (Zoner Press, 2014).



CERPEK training room (room no. 328), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.

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