Managing conflict situations

  • 24 June 2024
    9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • CERPEK training room (room no. 328), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.
  • The event has already taken place


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Personal competencies

MUNI RECETOX employees


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What determines your success and failure in conflict situations? Above all, it is the ability to manage unpleasant emotions that arise from clashes of different opinions, attitudes and ideas of people around us. The result and reward for you will then be harmonious relationships and a journey through life without clenched fists.


  • The nature of conflict and what typically leads to it (causes of communication and interpersonal challenging situations; potential usefulness of conflicts).
  • Dynamics and principles of conflict (important aspects of conflict (rationality, emotion, identity); interest vs. position in conflict).
  • Conflict resolution strategies (conflict management and communication styles in challenging situations; self-reflection; active listening; empathic and assertive communication).
  • Model situations and conflict management training (case studies and model situations from participants' practice; application of principles of effective conflict management; analysis, feedback).


  • You can identify the types and causes of conflict and find the right solution.
  • You will improve your confidence in communicating in a tense situation.
  • You will learn and practice techniques and approaches to conflict resolution.


Mgr. Martina Landová


She graduated from the Faculty of Education of the J. E. Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. She is an experienced manager, project manager and lecturer who meets the condition of dual practice, i.e. she knows how to lead a team really well herself and can teach it to others. In her practice she has gone through practically every position in the business field (from sales representative to sales director). During her lecturing experience she has worked for a number of renowned companies. Courses led by Mrs. Landová are characterized by high participation of participants and are focused on practical application of newly acquired knowledge and skills.

Everesta s.r.o.


CERPEK training room (room no. 328), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.

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