Conflicts solving

  • 8 October 2024
    9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • CERPEK training room (room no. 328), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.
  • The event has already taken place

Ph.D. students only


in person

Personal competencies

Ph.D. students only


language of the event

What determines your success and failure in conflict situations? Above all, it is the ability to manage unpleasant emotions that arise from clashes of different opinions, attitudes, and ideas of people around us. The result and reward for you will then be harmonious relationships and a journey through life without clenched fists.


  • The nature of conflict and what typically leads to it.
  • Dynamics and principles of conflict.
  • Conflict resolution strategies.
  • Model situations and conflict management training.


  • You will be able to identify the types and causes of conflict and find the right solution.
  • You will improve your confidence in communicating in a tense situation.
  • You will learn and practice techniques and approaches to conflict resolution.


Mgr. Eva Dvořáková


Eva Dvořáková professionally specializes in personality and performance diagnostics of employees, their training and development, setting and optimizing HR processes and HR audits. She has participated in a number of Assessment and Development Center. In 2017-2018, she served as the leader of the audit team in the project of corporate audits organized by the District Chamber of Commerce.

Eva Dvořáková leads courses focused on soft-skills and psychology. Her frequently trained topics include communication and presentation skills, motivation, stress management, empathy and emotional intelligence, conducting meetings and assessment interviews, personality psychology, issues related to the use of psychodiagnostic tools in the work environment, and more.

She herself has undergone a number of training activities, including integrative coaching training, pedagogical minimum and training for internal trainers.

She also works in English.

She emphasizes the experience and direct experience of participants in her courses. She encourages creativity and connecting the theoretical foundations with their daily lives. She is not afraid to use modern technology and innovative ideas.

Everesta s.r.o.


CERPEK training room (room no. 328), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.

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