Delegation as a skill of a successful leader

  • 14 September 2023
    9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • CERPEK training room (room no. 328), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.
  • The event has already taken place

RMU employees only


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Leadership competencies

RMU leading staff


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This workshop will introduce you to one of the primary activities of a manager, which is delegation. We will outline the rules of delegation in theoretical terms and, above all, apply them in an interactive way in practice. During the workshop, we will try out different techniques and approaches. Participation in the workshop will also allow you to practice the form of communication within hierarchical and project teams. Often the "fair" delegation is the key to success, and it is often the form rather than the content that makes the difference. The course focuses on situations where working with a non-violent form of delegation is necessary. This is done so the members feel part of a cooperating team with their leader, whose skills also earn them informal authority.


  • factors related to delegation
  • the nature of this activity and its principles
  • VAK interview and what it is
  • practicing the VAK interview in the context of delegation and planning
  • linking delegation and motivation
  • SWOT analysis of the current situation
  • the concept of the supervisor-subordinate relationship
  • specifics of delegation in project management
  • specific ways of delegating and controlling the performance of tasks


  • You will be aware of the principles and principles of the delegation process.
  • You will learn to communicate your views and needs in differently composed teams and groups.
  • You will learn about the possibilities of individual motivation of individual team members.
  • You will learn techniques to involve the team in the work and how to divide it up.
  • You will have an experience that will help you to "bridge" knowledge immediately into your practice.
  • You will realize where you can use the knowledge you have gained in practice.
  • You will improve your communication with team members, sometimes even the problem ones.


Mgr. Bc. Petr Friesinger


Petr Friesinger graduated in teaching at the Faculty of Television and Television Studies of Charles University in Prague and then in andragogy and personnel management at the Faculty of Human Resources of Charles University in Prague. Since 1998 he has worked in several large corporations in the financial sector, where he was responsible for the training and methodology sections within the business division. Here he led teams of trainers and trainers and was actively involved in the company's management development.

He started his professional career at Generali, then worked for Winterthur, Credit Suisse, Allianz, Aegon, and UNIQA. From the position of a regional trainer, he gradually worked his way up to Director of Education and Training.

He has completed many development projects and training academies. Among others, he is a graduate of the IMAS (International Management Academy for Sales) project of UNIQA International in Vienna. He is also a coach accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science based on a two-year course in Cognitive-Behavioral Coaching.


CERPEK training room (room no. 328), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.

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