How to make a science-popularizing course

  • 2 May 2024
    9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • CERPEK training room (room no. 328), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.
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Pedagogical competencies

PhD Students


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The possibilities of popularising science in teaching are almost unlimited. We can use many different methods to help us bring scientific discoveries to our students engagingly. One of these is aᅠcomprehensive teaching method known as inquiry-based learning. The workshop offered here will help to unravel these questions:

  • How to prepare a learning objective and set the intensity of the teaching?
  • What teaching methods and didactic aids to choose?
  • How to evaluate the performance of students?
  • How to motivate male and female students to become scientists themselves?

We will seek, examine, and discuss answers to these questions together.


Petr graduated in Education at the Department of Educational Sciences of the Faculty of Arts MU, he teaches communication training, presentation workshop and pedagogical communication. He was also one of the founders of CERPEK, leads the Open Challenge programme, which supports innovations in the education of future teachers, and is dedicated to the practice and dissemination of non-violent communication.

Mgr. Marek Boček


Marek Boček began his lecturing career in the environment of a camp club and several other non-profit organizations. He worked in a forest nursery, explored with children where chocolate comes from, taught adults how to treat pneumothorax and talked to teenagers about sex and relationships. Subsequently, he honed his teaching experience by teaching high school and then elementary school for several years. He is preparing future teachers at the Faculty of Science of MU. In addition, he is a lecturer and methodologist at Memory of the Nation, where he creates and leads workshops on modern history. At the same time, as a member of the Otevřeno movement, he is committed to improving the preparation of future teachers.


CERPEK training toom (room no. 328), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.

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