How to prepare and teach more effectively

  • 15 February 2024
    9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • CERPEK training room (room no. 328), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.
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Pedagogical competencies

MU lecturers, students of doctoral study programmes


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How to plan and teach more effectively by aligning objectives, teaching methods and assessment. In this workshop, we will learn about a method of lesson planning that builds on the linking of learning objectives with teaching methods and assessment. This approach offers tools to effectively and meaningfully select content and instructional methods, design information for learners, and adjust the assessment process accordingly so that all elements reinforce learning and lead to improved learning outcomes. A positive side-effect is the reduced time spent preparing and planning learning.


She is a university teacher and a member of the leadership of the Community of Educators of Future Teachers, responsible for the pedagogical and didactic training of future teachers at the Faculty of Arts at MU. She has done research on the quality of teaching and the preparation of quality teaching is one of her favourite topics to lecture on. She developed her teaching skills primarily in the non-profit organisation Brontosaurus Movement, where she ran children's and youth clubs and provided training for local organisers. When not mentoring future and current teachers, she writes about education and tends to the flora and fauna on her nature-friendly farm.

Karel Doleček


Karel got into pedagogy while studying teaching at PedF MU and studying pedagogy at FF MU. He continues to develop as a teacher through his ongoing cooperation with CERPEK and his lecturing activities. Professionally, he is primarily involved in facilitation. In the past, he was active in the organization Otevřeno, where he was involved in teacher education, and today he is a member of the organization NaZemi, where he is involved in critical pedagogy.


CERPEK training room (room no. 328), Komenského náměstí 2, Brno.

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