How to go about the selection procedure – the method of questions

  • 18 September 2023
    9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Faculty of Informatics of MU, Botanická 68a, 602 00 Brno, meeting room B517
  • The event has already taken place

Faculty of Informatics only


in person

Leadership Competencies

non-academic employees of the Faculty of Informatics of MU who participate or could participate in selection procedures for filling positions


language of the event

How do you ask for what you need to find out in tenders? What is the candidate's motivation? What are their expectations? Understand the main pitfalls of identifying the right candidate in an effective selection interview.

This workshop complements the essential practical skills of the new Selection Procedure Regulations.


  • who is the right candidate for our job
  • why it's a dialogue; how to ask and how/what to present
  • preparation and logical sequence of the interview
  • what is important – what to find out and verify about the candidate (erudition is not enough)
  • how to ask appropriate questions (how/why to ask)
  • specific tips for interview questions​
  • common mistakes, their consequences, and how to avoid them


  • you will strengthen your knowledge and skills in the area of “Conducting personnel – selection interviews”
  • orient yourself in the process of targeted questioning
  • understand how to ask the right questions and identify critical information
  • you will be able to prepare sample questions specifically for your candidates/your frequently filled positions
  • you will be able to avoid the most common mistakes that arise in the context of interviewing and conducting a selection interview
  • you will meet the expectations of the EU legislative framework for “transparent recruitment”


Mgr. Hana Ondráčková

social and academic networks:

Lecturer, mentor, and HR consultant. She is a graduate of the certified trainer of trainers program at OTC in Olomouc, the coach training program at the Coaching Centre in Prague, and studies at Thomas International as well as studies in personality diagnostics for recruitment, onboarding and employee development. Her work experience includes time as the HR director at Moravia Propag and as HR manager at Computer Press and Home Credit.

She is a lecturer in mentoring and HR management consulting. She combines her consulting practice in companies with lecturing activities, especially for personnel management, communication, and HR.

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Faculty of Informatics of MU, Botanická 68a, 602 00 Brno, meeting room B517

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