Soft Skills


Argumentation is the process of purposefully presenting claims and information in order to get the persuaded person to change his or her mind about a particular fact or issue. Argumentation is essential in scientific disciplines, but we also use it in our professional and personal lives to persuade other people. If we adopt good methods of argumentation, we become significantly more successful in negotiating with others.

Target group

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic centres.

Goals ​

  • to improve the art of argumentation
  • to learn how to use persuasive formulations
  • to learn about chaining, escalating arguments
  • to learn how to ask properly formulated rhetorical questions
  • to learn how to conduct a meeting using functional questions and respond quickly to objections
  • to resist pressure and manipulation
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The term assertivity refers to the ability to assert a different opinion, point of view or interest. Assertiveness is considered an important communication skill. It allows us to clearly express and assert our opinions and ideas without infringing on the rights of others. Assertiveness can help you understand yourself and your relationships with others better and prevent frustration.

Target group

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic centres.


  • to understand what assertive communication means in practice and when it is appropriate to use this strategy
  • to learn the basic assertive rights and techniques
  • to improve your skills in using assertive communication
  • to learn how to better use the principles of assertive behaviour in practice
  • to learn techniques to better defend and promote your own or your team's interests and how to better counter manipulative behaviour
  • to improve your relationships with other people, accept their arguments and argue appropriately for your goals without bad feelings
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Effective communication

Effective communication is not just about simply conveying information, but requires a diverse set of skills including verbal and non-verbal communication signals and attentive listening. The ability to listen and communicate effectively helps in job interviews, negotiations, team management and in private life. Mastering effective communication brings better expression and improved personal and professional relationships.

Target group

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic centres.


  • to learn what effective communication is
  • to learn why effective communication is important
  • to learn how to communicate effectively
  • to learn the tools of effective communication

Lecturing skills

Lecturing skills usually determine how much the trainees are interested in the training and how much knowledge they take away. The trainer has to be able to act out different situations, take on many roles and tune in to the emotions of others. At the same time, work with different types of people and group dynamics. However, the prerequisite for successful training is not only good lecturing skills, but also the content of the training and the lecturer's detailed knowledge of the presented field. One becomes a quality trainer by continuously acquiring knowledge, skills and especially by training.

Target group

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic centres.


  • to learn how to speak in front of people and work with stage fright
  • to learn to master the methodology of the training programme
  • to develop your skills as a trainer in working with group dynamics
  • to learn how to work with different groups of people
  • to strengthen your professionalism and confidence as a trainer when dealing with difficult participants
  • you will receive guidance on how to react to and cope with stressful situations


Motivation is a psychological process that gives human behaviour purpose and direction. It is an inner driving force, a motive, leading to the satisfaction of unfulfilled needs. Motivation is how work and personal goals are achieved. It is also the will to achieve something. And it is not just about achieving "lofty" goals. Motivation is needed to cope with everyday tasks.

Target group

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic centres.


  • to understand the essence of motivation
  • to discover how motivation affects working life
  • to learn about the good and bad ways to motivate
  • to name the obstacles that can affect you in different situations
  • to learn techniques that can enhance motivation in yourself and others
  • to learn how to stay motivated in the long term

Preventing burnout

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It usually occurs when you feel emotionally exhausted and unable to cope with the constant demands. Burnout syndrome reduces productivity and energy. The negative effects of burnout impact every area of life. Because of the many potential negative consequences, it is important to address burnout prevention as early as possible.

Target group

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic centres.


  • to find out what burnout syndrome is
  • to understand the difference between depression and burnout
  • to understand the risks associated with burnout, its causes and the negative consequences for your mental and physical health
  • to learn to recognise risk situations and burnout factors
  • to gain tools to effectively manage risk situations and burnout factors
  • to learn practical methods for preventing burnout
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Presentation skills

Presentation skills include mastering proper speech technique (intonation, verbal means to gain interest), vocal hygiene, non-verbal communication, image (clothing, non-verbal signals), managing stage fright, the role of the presenter, working with questions and audience reactions, argumentative minimum, leading a discussion, maintaining a positive atmosphere, checking the audience's understanding of the topic and other skills. Being able to present and communicate persuasively is a strong competitive advantage today. The good news is that presentation is an art that can be learned.

Target group

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic centres.


  • to learn to influence your audience naturally and non-violently
  • to you will strengthen and increase your self-confidence
  • to align your presentation with the visual support and content of your presentation
  • to improve your presentation skills in front of a demanding audience
  • you will know what to do in difficult situations or how to deal with stage fright
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Professional authority

We associate professional authority with a person whose opinions, attitudes or decisions are usually accepted and followed by other members of the group. It also forms a relationship with the one from whom such decisions, advice and attitudes are expected. It is not necessarily associated with charisma. A person with professional authority is firm, clear, and legible at all times. He or she also has clear values that he or she constantly declares and is sure of himself or herself. The ability to create a positive professional image, to inspire confidence and to act convincingly in both internal and external work environments is a prerequisite for the success of the manager and the team.

Target group

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic centres.


  • to understand what constitutes professional authority
  • to build your own confidence, courage and trust
  • to learn how to act persuasively
  • to discover sources of energy and intrinsic motivation so that you naturally motivate others to work with you
  • you will "grow" personally and professionally


Mental hygiene or psychohygiene is the science of how to protect and strengthen one's mental health. It helps to increase a person's resistance to various harmful influences. Psychohygiene provides guidance on how to purposefully modify lifestyle and living conditions to avoid adverse influences. It also teaches people how to prevent psychological difficulties and, if they have already occurred, how to manage them.

Target group

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic centres.


  • to learn how to protect and strengthen your mental health
  • to learn methods to increase resistance to various harmful influences
  • to learn how to prevent possible mental health problems
  • to learn how to concentrate properly at work and at rest
  • to learn how to achieve mental balance
  • you will receive guidance on how to adjust your lifestyle and conditions

Decision making

Decision making is the process by which an individual or collective chooses the best choice among all possible choices to fulfill a given set of options. Working life consists of many small or large decisions that ultimately lead to a good outcome, but also may not. We never have certainty. Not everything is within our direct control. But we can increase the likelihood of a good decision.

Target group

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic centres.


  • to learn about the psychology of decision making
  • to learn how to make decisions under time pressure
  • to understand what decision-making strategies are
  • to learn what we actually make decisions based on
  • to understand the differences in making small and big decisions
  • to learn how to make decisions when there is no good solution or when there are multiple options

Resolving conflicts

Conflicts are a normal part of our lives. At the same time, they are an opportunity for development, for learning to cope with difficult communication situations and for establishing one's own boundaries and stability. To resolve conflicts, it is essential to be able to communicate effectively. In particular, to master the art of listening. Otherwise, misunderstandings and miscommunication occur in interpersonal communication. The ability to read the non-verbal signals of the body, to be able to recognize what is going on in the other person, is essential to becoming perceptive and successful communicators and to prevent conflicts.

Target group

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic centres.


  • to learn to see conflict as something normal that is part of our lives
  • to learn to see conflict as an opportunity for your own development, for the art of handling difficult communication situations and for setting your own boundaries and stability
  • to learn how to improve the quality of relationships and make communication with people more effective
  • to learn how to communicate effectively to prevent conflict
  • to learn how to manage conflict situations and solve problems constructively
  • to learn how to be more empathetic and open to others and how to listen

Stress management

Stress refers to a set of responses of the organism to internal or external stimuli that disrupts the functions of the organism. Stress management, also known as stress management, involves various procedures and techniques aimed at coping with stress. It involves the ability to identify negative stressors and knowledge of various methods to deal with stress in a "healthy" way. The result is the ability to prevent stress and an awareness of the importance of rest and relaxation.

Target group

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic centres.


  • to understand the nature of stress and its phases of action
  • to realise when stress can serve us and when it threatens us
  • to identify your own individual stressors in the workplace and in your private life
  • to learn techniques to eliminate the possible effects of stress or to mitigate its negative effects on our organism
  • to strengthen your psychological resilience
  • to learn how to work with stress
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Time management

By time management we mean time management. It is a set of procedures, recommendations, tools and techniques aimed at efficient time management. The main essence of time management is to make the best use of time, to maximize utility and increase work and personal efficiency. Time management encompasses a wide range of activities which include planning, allocation, goal setting, delegation, time spent analysis, monitoring and prioritization.

Target group

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic centres.


  • to reflect on your attitudes towards time management
  • to learn how to plan time in relation to goal setting and prioritisation
  • to recognize your own "time thieves" and learn how to eliminate them
  • to learn how to use the principles of consistent time management
  • to learn the principles, methods, techniques and tools for time management
  • to get practical inspiration on how to create and maintain good habits that lead to effective time management


Negotiation is a process of exchanging information and commitments in which two or more negotiating parties try to reach a mutual agreement or compromise on the situation at hand. The aim is to reach a workable solution for both parties that satisfies their interests and needs. Negotiation is often encountered when there is a need to resolve a conflict in order to minimize negative impacts as much as possible. Negotiation is certainly inherent to functioning in a work environment and is an important tool for dealing with various situations.

Target group

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic centres.


  • to understand the negotiation process as part of an effective working relationship
  • to master the basic communication skills necessary for effective negotiation
  • to learn to apply the principles of effective negotiation in all phases of the negotiation process
  • to recognise better different approaches to negotiation and identify your own preferred negotiation style
  • to prepare appropriate arguments, procedures and strategies for negotiating in different situations, learn how to overcome objections effectively
  • to learn how to recognise and counter unfair tactics
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Work-life balance

The concept of work-life balance can be defined as the balance between a person's work and personal life. Work-life balance also means the correct prioritisation of all work and leisure activities. It is based on the assumption that most of the stress, anxiety and dissatisfaction of working people does not stem from their inability to manage their lives or jobs, but from a lack of thoughtful organisation of activities and a failure to assess the real importance of individual things and activities. Simply put, work-life balance is finding the right balance between work and leisure.

Target group

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic centres.


  • to remind yourself what your values and priorities are in life
  • to learn how to set a balance between work and personal life
  • to become aware of how you usually approach your work and how this affects your performance and satisfaction
  • to improve your time-management
  • to get new suggestions and guidelines for inner balance
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Healthy self-esteem

Healthy self-esteem is the ability to admit your own shortcomings, highlight your strengths and work on what matters. Self-esteem is different for everyone and is influenced by many experiences and upbringing. Healthy self-esteem is characterised by the ability to develop one's abilities and to cope with setbacks by learning from them. If we develop our self-esteem in a healthy way, our personality develops along with it. We are also capable of harmonious relationships both in the workplace and in our personal lives.

Target group

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic centres.


  • to learn how to work on building a healthy self-esteem
  • to learn how to develop and strengthen self-esteem
  • to learn about methods that lead to more confident self-talk
  • to learn how to work better with uncomfortable thoughts
  • to learn how to work on positive self-expression
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Feedback is the process by which the recipient of a message gathers information and then evaluates it. Generally speaking, it is information about one's own behaviour from oneself and others. Feedback can lead to individual and team empowerment, increases productivity and enables behaviour to be directed towards a desired goal. Effective feedback helps on the path to self-development in work and personal life.

Target group

Academic and non-academic employees of faculties, HEIs, RMU and other economic centres.


  • to learn how to provide effective feedback
  • to learn how to deliver constructive criticism
  • to learn how to give good praise
  • to learn how to accept feedback
  • to get tips on how to give feedback to different types of people

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