26 Jun Managerial role: How to deal with various situations 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Workshop This workshop will give you an interactive insight into implementing the theoretical and practical aspects of this management discipline.
18 Apr Teamwork – How to manage a team effectively? 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Workshop The workshop focuses on one of the most central management disciplines and activities. We will focus on all the personnel activities of the manager, but especially on the effectiveness of the process.
7 Feb Seduo to the max for managers – How to develop your team with Seduo 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM In this webinar, you will learn how to use Seduo to develop your team, set up templates, assign learning plans, and get tips on how to use Seduo as a team.
December 2023 How and why to evaluate employees Workshop WORKSHOP CANCELED The How and Why to Evaluate Employees workshop will give you insight into how to effectively connect the evaluation process with other phases of employee performance management.
30 Nov–1 Dec 2023 WellTogether: Belonging and Inclusion Conference Take the opportunity to learn more about wellbeing and participate in the international conference organized by CERPEK in cooperation with the Department of Social Education, Faculty of Education, which will take place 30 November – 1 December 2023 at the Faculty of Education, MU.
21 Nov 2023 Coaching in managerial practice 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Workshop The coaching approach in a manager's work is considered one of the most influential and motivating ways of leading people with a clear impact on performance.
1 Nov 2023 Leadership Basics 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Workshop The interactive and practically focused workshop helps leaders and specialists acquire four key leadership skills which can be used in team communication, project management or chairing meetings.
17 Oct 2023 Delegation as a skill of a successful leader 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Workshop This workshop will introduce you to one of the primary activities of aᅠmanager, which is delegation.ᅠWe will outline the rules of delegation in theoretical terms and, above all, apply them in an interactive way in practice.